Microcephalic Skull
Cast from the skull of a young human male, this faithful one-piece reproduction exhibits an alveolar abscess in the right maxilla and severe attrition
Catalogue No.
Supplied with key card.
Muscle Skull
This 3-part skull has been painted to show muscle origins (red) and insertions (blue) on the left side of the skull.
Catalogue No.
Cranial bones and structures are numbered on the right side
Male Pelvis
A complete life size skeleton of a human male pelvis consisting of the pelvic bones (ischium, ilium and pubis), sacrum, coccyx and symphysis.
Catalogue No.
Mounted on wire or Stand with base.
Monocot Stem T.S.
Showing various tissues vascular bundles in transverse section of monocot stem of maize.